Alberta: Edmonton may fine noisy vehicles $1,000, city council to vote Wednesday

by The Canadian Parvasi

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In an effort to curb noise pollution by vehicles in the city, the Edmonton City Council tabled a bylaw that, if passed, would lead to vehicles creating excess noise possibly being levied a $1,000 fine.

The fine would double for a subsequent infraction, the city council detailed in the bylaw, voting for which will happen Wednesday.

As of now, Edmonton’s Community Standards Bylaw only fines motorcyclists whose vehicles exceed 92 decibels. Cars and trucks, however, can be fined by the city police under the provincial Traffic Safety Act, with fines under both the aforementioned provisions ranging from  $162 to $250.

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“It’s incredibly disruptive…I think Edmontonians have said very loud and clear that this is an issue, it’s an area of concern,” stated Anne Stevenson, the councillor for the downtown Ward O-day’min, about the increase in noise pollution due to loud and noisy vehicles.

“I think the severity of the fine reflects the really significant impact that has on their neighbours…So anyone that is operating their vehicle as it was designed to be operated has no reason to fear,” she further added.

It may be pertinent to note that Edmonton, back in 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic, received 1,028 complaints. According to Stevenson, residents complain about the noisy vehicles through the 311 line.


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