Alberta Wildfire Continues to be ‘Extreme’ for Most of the Province

Team Parvasi – Inside

Alberta government has stated that most of the province is under extreme fire danger. Hot and windy conditions are expected to return in the coming days. As of Wednesday morning, there were 81 active wildfires in the province of which 27 were listed as out of control. Firefighters from across Canada have arrived to help control the fire.

Alberta is still struggling to bring the wildfires under control. As of Wednesday morning, Alberta’s wildfire status dashboard reported that there were 81 active wildfires in the province of which 27 were listed as out of control. The provincial government has said that except the Rockies, fire danger continues to be extreme in most of the province.

While some areas of the province have had cooler temperatures and even rain, hot and windy conditions are expected to return in the coming days.

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The wildfires are affecting nine First Nations, according to Indigenous Services Canada. These include the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation where 1,600 people were forced to leave after 45 structures and power infrastructure were destroyed by the fire.

Alberta needed help from other provinces to help control the wildfire which is why firefighters from Yukon, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec have arrived. More crews are expected to come in from New Brunswick, Oregon, and Alaska.

The wildfires in Alberta have been difficult to manage because of hot, dry, and windy conditions. With similar weather conditions expected in the coming days, it may become even more challenging for the crews to bring the fires under control.

Vineet Washington


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