Before the ICC World Cup 2023, Virat Kohli and Yashraj Mukhate produce a hit song.

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Before the ICC World Cup 2023, Virat Kohli and Yashraj Mukhate produce a hit song.
Cricket : Prince Garg

Before the ICC World Cup 2023, Virat Kohli and Yashraj Mukhate released a song, to the rhythm of which they were spotted dancing. The song had an impression on a lot of individuals.

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Cricket fans all across the world are ecstatic as the ICC World Cup 2023 is set to start. Virat Kohli and Yashraj Mukhate’s catchy song, Cup Laayega India, has sparked excitement in the people ahead of the games. Sharing the song’s video on social media led to its immediate success after its debut.

When Mukhate approaches Kohli in the opening scene of the video, he introduces himself. However, Kohli presents himself as if he has just learned about Mukhate. The cricketer then clarifies that he is joking. Additionally, Kohli requests Mukhate play him the music he created for the ICC World Cup 2023. Additionally, the video features the two of them singing and dancing to the song.


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