Brampton temple vandalization issue raised in House of Commons

by The Canadian Parvasi

Team Parvasi – Inside

The issue of the recent defacement of the Gauri Shankar Mandir in Brampton, Ontario was brought up in the House of Commons on Wednesday by Indian-origin MP Chandra Arya of the liberal government, who appealed to the session to “take serious note of this alarming trend and respond appropriately”.

“This is just one of many attacks in recent times against Hindu temples in Canada by anti-Hindu and anti-India groups,” stated MP Arya, regarding the incident as a  “hate crime.”

“Like Islamophobia and anti-Semitism resulting in hate crimes against our mosques and synagogues causing pain to our Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters, Hindu Canadians are experiencing the same pain due to rising Hinduphobia,” the Liberal party MP added further.

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On Tuesday, MP Arya expressed similar sentiments, stating, “The attack of Gauri Shankar Mandir in Brampton is latest in attacks on Hindu temples in Canada by anti-Hindu and anti-India groups. From hatred on social media, now physical attacks on Hindu temples, what next? I call on govt at levels in Canada to start taking this seriously.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanie Joly, had also previously taken to Twitter to denounce the incident, stating, “Everyone should be able to practice their faith in peace, free from violence and intimidation. I stand with Hindu communities in denouncing the vandalism at Gauri Shankar Mandir in Brampton. We have a collective responsibility to denounce hateful acts, which have no place in [Canada].


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