Canadians Can Renew Their Passports Online Starting This Fall

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Canadians will be able to renew their passports online starting this fall, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser has announced. The announcement came at the event to showcase the new design for Canada’s passport. However, applications for new passports will still have to be done the traditional way.

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser unveiled the new design of the Canadian passport at an event. The new passport also comes with updated security features and colorful new pages. Fraser also announced that starting this fall, Canadians will be able to apply for renewal of their passports online. This means they will be able to submit their necessary documents and passport photo on a secure government website.

Social Development Minister Karina Gould explained that the change comes after the department learned its lesson last year with the offices swamped with applications. This led to long wait times and long lines at the passport offices.

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While most of the passport applications are for new passports, which will have to be done the traditional way through Service Canada, a surge in passport renewal applications is expected throughout the year with passports issued in 2013 expiring this year.

The new passport design has been in the works since 2013. It has a polycarbonate data page and the personal information will now be laser engraved instead of being printed with ink. Additionally, there is a custom see-through window with a secondary image of the passport holder, a variable laser image, and a temperature-sensitive ink feature.

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