Centennial College comes to the aid of hundreds of students left stranded by Northern College

Toronto-based school says it is in a position to welcome a number of students

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Toronto-based Centennial College says that they would be open helping the over 500 international students who were left in chaos following a cancellation of their offers of admission by Ontario’s Northern College.

In an emailed statement, Dr. Craig Stephenson, President and CEO of Centennial College said that the school was in a position to “welcome a number of students who would otherwise have to cancel or delay their plans to start college in Ontario this fall.”

“We are working closely with BorderPass, Northern College and our government partners to facilitate this solution for those who choose to pursue acceptance in an equivalent program and meet the criteria,” the statement said.

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In a statement posted to its Facebook page on Tuesday, Northern College said they have partnered with Centennial College to prepare enrollment options for the affected students, adding that BorderPass, a legal immigration firm, has been communicating with the students.

“Some 335 students have expressed interest in studying at Centennial and 250 have completed an application for the assessment process,” Northern College’s statement said. There will be no additional application costs for these students, it added.

The move comes after Northern College revoked the admission offers of 503 international students, in response to its affiliated Pures College exceeding capacity. Many of these students had their visas approved, while some were already in Canada or had purchased air tickets.


Rahat Sandhu


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