Daylight savings 2023: When would time change in Canada ?

by The Canadian Parvasi

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As daylight hours continue to get longer, North America is nearing daylight savings time for the year 2023.

Natives of areas observing daylight savings are to set their clocks one hour ahead on the second Sunday of March every year.

This year, the start of daylight savings time happens to fall on March 12, with residents of regions observing the change shifting their clocks one hour ahead at 2 a.m., which would become 3 a.m.

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North Americans will, however, be able to cover up their sleep for an extra hour when daylights savings time winds up on Nov. 5 for 2023.

The timing change is in accordance with federal and provincial governments, and has been the standard time duration for daylight savings in North America since 2007. The practice of moving clocks one hour forward in March and back one hour in November was established to allow for enough daylight in the morning in the fall and the evenings in the summer.



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