Increased Toronto Police presence on TTC a “Band-Aid solution”: Premier Doug Ford

By The Canadian Parvasi

Team Parvasi – Inside

Toronto Police on Thursday announced that it will be increasing the presence of its police officers across the Toronto Transit network amid the growing number of recent reports of violence on the TTC.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, however, opined that the measure was a  “Band-Aid solution”, stating that the city needs to hire more full-time officers.

“We need full-time police officers because right now, we’re really relying on the existing police officers to come in and sign up for the callbacks…It’s not a full team there, that’s what we need,” stated Premier Ford on Friday.

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Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, while at a press conference Thursday alongside Mayor John Tory and TTC CEO Rick Leary, stated that the city’s transit is expected to see about 80 police officers deployed across the TTC network daily

“In recent weeks, we have been actively increasing our high-visibility patrols within the transit system. However, it is clear that more can be done to enhance the safety and security of transit users,” stated Demkiv on Thursday.

The past few days saw a rise in violence on the city transit network, including a woman being stabbed by a stranger on a streetcar, as well as two TTC operators being chased by an individual reportedly armed with a syringe, according to media reports.


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