Indo Canadian Women’s Club Hosts Vaisakhi Celebration at Pearl Banquet Hall

Parvasi Media, one of the leading South Asian media outlets in Canada, is proud to be the media partner for this event.

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The Vaisakhi festival, also known as Baisakhi, is an annual celebration of the Sikh community that commemorates the establishment of the Khalsa, a community of Sikhs, by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699.

This year, the Indo-Canadian Women’s Club is hosting a Vaisakhi celebration on April 15th, 2023, from 4 pm to 11 pm at the Pearl Banquet Hall.

The Indo-Canadian Women’s Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity in the Canadian community. By hosting this Vaisakhi celebration, they hope to bring people of all backgrounds together to celebrate and learn about Sikh culture.

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Parvasi Media, one of the leading South Asian media outlets in Canada, is proud to be the media partner for this event. Through their extensive reach and coverage, they hope to help spread the word about the Vaisakhi festival and promote cultural understanding and unity in the community.

The Pearl Banquet Hall, a popular event venue in the area, is the perfect location for this festive occasion. With ample space for performances and activities, as well as comfortable seating for guests, it promises to be a lively and memorable event. Come and join in the festivities and experience the rich culture and traditions of the Sikh community.

Prabhnoor Kaur


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