Man Thrashes Wife to Death in Dinanagar, Tries to Cremate Her at Home

Team Parvasi – Inside

Dinanagar police has arrested a 60-year-old man for thrashing his wife to death and trying to cremate her at home. Sansar Chand, a laborer who reportedly used to fight with and assault his wife, was stopped before he could burn the body completely.

While exact details of the altercation are unclear, Dinanagar Police station In-charge, Major Singh, shared that Sansar Chand, a 60-year-old resident of Paniar village in Dinanagar in Gurdaspur, and his wife Mahindro (55) got into an argument over some issue and Sansar thrashed her to death. He then collected some wood and started burning the body at his home.

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Residents of the area notified the police who showed up before Sansar could burn his wife’s body completely. The half-burnt body was extracted and sent for post-mortem, and Sansar was arrested. Singh added that after a preliminary investigation, it was found that Sansar used to fight with and assault his wife.

A murder case has been registered against Sansar. The couple has a son who works in Himachal Pradesh.

Vineet Washington


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