Ontario Students Must Have New Technology Education Credit to Graduate Starting September 2024

Team Parvasi – Inside

Students entering Grade 9 in Ontario will need to take a technology or trade credit to graduate starting from September next year. The announcement was made by Education Minister Stephen Lecce in Mississauga. The decision has been taken to create new pathways to good jobs in STEM and skilled trades.

Stephen Lecce announced late Friday morning that starting September 2024, students entering Grade 9 must take a “technological education credit” in order to get their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. They will be able to do so by taking any of the several classes approved through the “technological education” curriculum. They include a wide range of topics such as construction, hospitality, transportation, computer technology, and communications, among others.

Lecce said that the goal with this move is to create new pathways to good jobs in STEM and skilled trades. “All students will benefit from a greater emphasis on hands-on learning experiences and technical skills in the classroom so they can graduate with a competitive advantage in this country,” he added.

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Ontario will need to hire more teachers to meet the needs of these courses and Lecce shared that there are plans to bring in more workforce, including from the private sector. Notably, this course that students choose for the technology credit will be added on to the other mandatory courses and graduation requirements.

Officials also stated that this move would encourage more women to take up careers in the trades. As of now, men make up more than 70 percent of workers in trades-related occupations.

Vineet Washington


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