Ottawa Police Officer faces demotion after stealing $87 in groceries

by The Canadian Parvasi

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An Ottawa Police officer could potentially face temporary demotion after pleading guilty to theft charges of stealing half of her groceries.

While shopping at a Gatineau, Quebec, supermarket, the officer, Const. Sarah Bell, was caught by a loss prevention officer going through surveillance footage of the supermarket on July 13, 2021, with the officer stating  that Bell “took one item in her right hand and another in her left hand, proceeded to scan the item in her left hand, but not the item in her right hand.”

Putting the items in both hands in her bin, Bells paid the bill and left, according to the loss prevention officer. According to the store, Bell paid for groceries worth $87.46, while groceries amounting to $87.68 were not paid for by the Ottawa Police Officer.

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Bell was consequently arrested by the loss prevention officer in the vestibule between the exit doors.

Earlier this week, Const. Bell pleaded guilty to one count of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act as the police officer was found “purposely failing to scan items at the self-checkout of a store and [making] no attempts to pay for these items before leaving.”

While the Crown’s office in Gatineau recommended one charge of theft under $5,000, the charge was not laid after the case was referred to a diversion program.

Bell is yet to be sentenced for her guilty plea under the Police Services Act, with the Ottawa Police Association asking that Bell be demoted to a second-class constable for a duration of 14 months.


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