Two Sikh New Zealand Citizens File Complaint Against Employer for Inaction Toward Racial Abuse

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Two Sikh tow truck drivers in New Zealand have filed a complaint against their former employer for her inaction over the racial abuse they experienced. Raminder Singh and Sumit Nandpuri were allegedly racially abused by a manager last year on multiple occasions. The Human Rights Commission (HRC) will hold a mediation hearing this month.

Raminder Singh and Sumit Nandpuri were employed at Southern Districts Towing where a manager last year, told Singh that “all Sikhs are terrorists.” The manager also reportedly interrupted Nandpuri’s discussion with someone and used derogatory language against the Sikh community. Both men took their complaints to the owner of the company, Pam Watson.

Watson reportedly did not take the appropriate action against the racial abuse experienced by her employees after which the two quit. After they quit, they were allegedly questioned if they celebrated the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Singh, who had worked at the company for two and half years, said, “The company has not apologized to me, and nor has [the manager]. It has hurt me mentally and emotionally.” He also stated that both he and Nandpuri are New Zealand citizens but were made to feel like criminals. Nandpuri had been in the company for five years and said this was the fifth incident of racism he had experienced there.

The Human Rights Commission will hold a mediation hearing this month. If the HRC fails to conclude, the complaint can be referred to the Human Rights Review Tribunal.

Vineet Washington


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