UK charity offers reward to trace driver who injured Rajdeep Kaur

After the BMW hit her, Kaur was thrown several feet in the air, leaving her with life-threatening injuries

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UK charity offers reward to trace driver who injured Rajdeep Kaur
London: A UK crime-fighting charity extended a reward of GBP 5,000 on Tuesday to assist Scotland Yard detectives investigating a hit-and-run road incident in west London that left an Indian-origin mother with life-changing injuries.

Rajdeep Kaur, 37, was pushing her 13-month-old daughter in a pram one afternoon in February in Hounslow when, just as she crossed North Hyde Lane, a silver BMW overtook the line of traffic in the wrong direction and hit her, narrowly missing the pram. Kaur was thrown several feet in the air, leaving her with life-threatening injuries, the Metropolitan Police said.

“This is a very distressing case. Mrs Kaur thankfully survived but has sustained injuries that will change her life forever. It was only fortunate that her 13-month daughter was not hurt too,” said Detective Constable Davina Nash, who has been leading the investigation for the Met Police.

“Crimestoppers – who are independent of the police — are now offering a reward for information, and we are hopeful this will encourage someone to come forward. We believe the driver of the BMW is local to the Hounslow area, and so someone will know who he or she is,” she said.

“If you have information about the driver or anything else that could secure justice for the victim, the charity Crimestoppers guarantee you will stay completely anonymous. They are available on the phone or via their website 24/7, 365 days a year,” she added.

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During the hit and run on February 3, the pram remained on the road with the potential of being struck by further vehicles. The BMW did not stop at the scene, and the driver has not come forward, Met Police detectives point out.

Emergency services were called, and Kaur was taken to hospital with leg and pelvis injuries. While her daughter was unhurt, Kaur remained in hospital for several months.

“Miraculously, she survived but has extremely limited mobility and is now unable to care independently for her daughter. She is now able to walk a few steps with the aid of a walking frame but will never make a full recovery from her injuries,” the Met Police said.

Witnesses to the incident captured the car’s number plates, but these were later found to be cloned.

Alexa Loukas, London Regional Manager at charity Crimestoppers, said: “Our thoughts are very much with Mrs Kaur, a mother whose life will never be the same again due to her injuries.” “You may have heard something about the vehicle or driver involved, but for whatever reason, you haven’t yet shared what you know. We’re appealing directly to members of the community across Hounslow,” Loukas said.

“If you have any information about this tragedy, you can speak up and tell our charity what you know. Lots of people mistakenly think we are part of the police. We are completely independent and will never judge or ask for any of your personal details. What you tell us could help find some kind of justice for Mrs Kaur and her family and help make our streets safer for everyone,” she added.


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