Uninsured G1 driver allegedly behind Highway 401 crash

Around 7:30 p.m., a collision occurred in the eastbound collector lanes of Highway 401 at Port Union Road.

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According to police, an incident on Highway 401 Sunday evening that left four people injured was caused by a G1 driver operating an uninsured car.

Around 7:30 p.m., a collision occurred in the eastbound collector lanes of Highway 401 at Port Union Road. According to the OPP, one individual was ejected from the car. The driver of the car allegedly hit an end treatment located between the express and collector lanes.

Two of the four patients who were sent to the hospital had serious injuries.

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The Morningside Avenue collector lanes, as well as the on-ramps at Port Union and Kingston roads, were shut down as police conducted their investigation, but they have since reopened.

The inquiry is still ongoing.

Prabhnoor Kaur


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