Vigilance Bureau arrests doctor’s private assistant for demanding bribe Rs 3,500

Team Parvasi – Inside

Vigilance Bureau arrests doctor’s private assistant for demanding bribe Rs 3,500

Chandigarh: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its ongoing campaign under the zero tolerance policy against corruption adopted by the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led government, on Friday arrested Rakha Singh @ Lakha, a private assistant of doctor Asish Kumar, posted at Civil Hospital Mansa for demanding a bribe of Rs 3,500.

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Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the VB said the above mentioned accused has been arrested after the investigation of an online complaint made by Hardeep Singh, resident of Mansa city on the Chief Minister’s Anti-Corruption Action Line.

Giving details he added that the said complainant has alleged that the above said accused Rakha Singh had demanded Rs 3,500 for conducting surgery of his wife. The complainant has recorded the entire conversation in this regard on his mobile and handed over it to the VB as an evidence, he said.

The spokesperson said during the investigation of this complaint, it was found that the said private assistant had demanded a bribe from the complainant . On the basis of this enquiry the above said accused has been arrested and registered a bribery case against him under the Prevention of Corruption Act at VB Police Station, Bathinda range and role of concerned doctor would be investigated during the further probe, he added.


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