World Sikh Organization States Karnataka Hijab Ban a Threat to All Minorities

World Sikh Organization has condemned the ban on hijab in classrooms and the deterioration of religious freedoms in the state by Karnataka’s High Court.

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World Sikh Organization has condemned the ban on hijab in classrooms and the deterioration of religious freedoms in the state by Karnataka’s High Court.

WSO President Tejinder Singh said, “The Karnataka High Court’s decision to uphold the ban on the hijab is simply wrong and will have implications for other minority communities, including Sikhs in India. The decision to wear religious clothing is deeply personal and there is nothing to suggest that it cannot be accommodated in the classroom. Forcing individuals to choose between their faith and education is unfair and unnecessary.”

WSO believes a ban on Hijab is discriminatory against Muslims but should also be considered an attack on other minorities in the country.

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Singh said, “The Karnataka High Court’s ruling that the hijab is not obligatory for Muslim women is deeply troubling. Judges have no business ruling on what is correct religious doctrine or practice. The Supreme Court of Canada’s Amselem decision offers important insights into this issue that would be helpful for the Indian courts.”

He further added, “The court’s decision seems to have emboldened religious discrimination in the state with today’s announcement that non-Hindus will not be allowed to conduct business in or around Hindu temple premises. If the Karnataka High Court’s decision is allowed to stand, the wearing of Sikh articles of faith will also be in jeopardy. This is not just an issue for the Muslims in India- it is a question of human rights and religious freedom. The Sikh community must oppose this ruling and see that it is overturned.”

The Karnataka government has also announced that non-Hindus can no longer do business in or around Hindu temple premises.


Prabhnoor Kaur


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