Caledon Police Issue Stern Warning After Stopping Teenager Driving 100 km/h Over Speed Limit

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Caledon, Ontario – In a recent incident, the Caledon OPP once again emphasized the perils of speeding and aggressive driving after apprehending a 19-year-old driver going 100 km/h over the speed limit. The traffic stop occurred around 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday (July 19) on Torbram Rd. near Mayfield Rd.

According to the police, the driver was clocked at a staggering 170 km/h in a 70 km/h zone. Such reckless behavior not only puts the driver’s life at risk but also jeopardizes the safety of other road users.

As a consequence of this egregious offense, the young driver could face severe penalties, including a ticket amounting to nearly $1,000, a 30-day suspension of their driver’s license, at least six demerit points for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h, and a 14-day impound of their vehicle, among other consequences.

Despite the severity of the situation, specific details about the driver were not disclosed by the police.

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This incident serves as a stark reminder to all motorists to exercise caution and adhere to speed limits on Ontario roads. Speeding not only increases the risk of serious injury or death in the event of a collision but also invites hefty fines and penalties.

The provincial authorities have highlighted the gravity of such actions, stating that the risk of fatality or severe injury is 11 times higher when vehicles are driven at speeds 50 km/h or more above the speed limit of 100 km/h.

In light of this alarming incident, the Caledon police urge drivers to exercise responsible behavior while driving, thereby ensuring their safety, the safety of others, and compliance with traffic regulations.


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