Ireland Woman Loses $800K Disability Case After Photos Emerge Of Her Winning Tree-Throwing Competition

Grabska defended herself in court, denying any fabrication of injuries, asserting she was "trying to live a normal life."

Team Parvasi – Inside

In Ireland, a woman faced a setback in her $800,000 injury lawsuit related to a car crash, as evidence emerged of her participating and winning a Christmas tree-throwing competition following the incident.

Kamila Grabska, a 36-year-old mother of two from Ennis, County Clare, filed a lawsuit against RSA Insurance, alleging severe neck and back pain from a 2017 car crash, hindering her ability to work for five years.

The collision occurred when another vehicle rear-ended Grabska’s car, purportedly leaving her incapable of handling her young children or managing household tasks. Following the accident, she resigned from her job, received disability payments, and claimed over $500,000 in lost income.

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However, media reports uncovered Grabska’s participation in a Christmas tree-throwing event on Jan. 8, 2018, almost a year after the alleged debilitating pain. The Irish High Court scrutinized a photo of Grabska throwing a tree, with Judge Carmel Stewart describing it as a “very graphic picture.”

The competition involves participants hurling 5-foot spruce trees as far as possible. Judge Stewart concluded, “I cannot but conclude the claims were entirely exaggerated. On that basis, I propose to dismiss the claim.”

Grabska defended herself in court, denying any fabrication of injuries, asserting she was “trying to live a normal life.”



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