Ontario Could See Snow Next Week as Temperatures Hit Record Breaking High

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Weather experts have said it could snow in Ontario next week following the record-breaking temperatures that various cities are experiencing. Next week, the temperatures are said to remain in the low 10 degrees C mark for the rest of the month.

Toronto saw record-breaking high temperature as it hit 29 degrees C on Thursday, which is the highest it has been for April 13 since 1977. The retractable roof over the Rogers Centre’s was opened on Wednesday making it the earliest it’s ever been opened. Environment Canada Meteorologist Steven Flisfeder pointed out that the consistently warm weather this early in the month is “fairly rare.”

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However, this heat wave will not last as temperatures are expected to hit the low 10 degrees C and stay like that for the rest of the month. CP24 meteorologist Bill Coulter said, “It’ll be back to reality. Temperatures will struggle to get out of the single digits on Monday and Tuesday. And, skies will be more inclement.”

The Weather Network states that rain is expected on Monday and Tuesday in GTA which will change into light snow. Spring will turn into summer in late June. Ontario and the Great Lakes region will see relatively hotter temperatures with higher-than-usual periods of rain and a temperature spike in mid-July.

Vineet Washington


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