Pakistan’s Former President Pervez Musharraf dies at 79

by The Canadian Parvasi

Team Parvasi – Inside

Pakistan’s former President and Chief of Army staff Pervez Musharraf died on Sunday at the American Hospital in Dubai after battling a long-term serious illness.

The 79-year-old ex-President had been living in exile in Dubai for the last eight years. The former Chief of Army had been living in self-imposed exile after being accused of the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 2007, and had expressed his wish to return to Pakistan as soon as possible.

He had been battling amyloidosis, a rare ailment that causes issues to connective tissues and organs, inhibiting normal functioning.

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“May Allah bless the departed soul and give strength to the bereaved family,” expressed the Pakistani military’s media wing in a statement regarding his death.

A bloodless military coup in 1999 led to Mr. Musharraf being named the 10th President of Pakistan, with many regarding him as the architect of the Kargil war. He resigned in 2008 and consequently, Asif Ali Zardari, Benazir Bhutto’s husband, took over as the President of Pakistan.

The former chief of army was born in New Delhi in 1943, leaving for Pakistan at just four years old after the partition. Joining the Army at 18, the ex-president went on to become its chief, and later the President of Pakistan.


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