Toronto: John Tory’s office egged on his final day as mayor

by The Canadian Parvasi

Team Parvasi – Inside

As John Tory began his last day as the Mayor of Toronto on Friday as he decided to step down after admitting to having a relationship with a former staffer last Friday, his day was met with a rough start as someone threw eggs at his office window, according to media reports.

The incident occurred at around 6:20 a.m. early in the morning when Tory was present in the office reading the newspaper. The windows of the Mayor’s office, which overlooks Nathan Phillips Square, were subject to eggs being thrown by an unidentified individual, media reports add.

Two of the eggs thrown at the office reportedly landed on the windows while another ended up between the doors of the office.

In visuals of the incident since circulated on social media, Tory can be seen looking up after noticing the eggs momentarily, before directing his attention to the newspaper again.

The police are aware of the incident and a probe into the egging is underway, media outlets report.

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Previously, on Wednesday, While at the Toronto City Council’s budget meeting Tory, who was presiding over the meeting as possibly one of his last of the city arrangements as a mayor before he steps down, was swarmed and interrupted by protestors, leading the meeting to go to recess twice before it started intently.

As the mayor began his remarks to open the budget meeting, he was met with interruption by a woman who yelled, “I’m sorry, Mr. Tory, you do not get to speak, we do not trust your integrity.”

The session was then halted byCoun. Frances Nunziata, who then asked security to escort the woman out as she refused to leave, according to media reports.

In a second attempt, a group from the crowd started chanting in unison, “House the homeless, feed the poor, kick John Tory out the door.”

The meeting was stopped for another time as security intervened again, media reports add.


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