1 dead after fire at cell tower in downtown Toronto

by The Canadian Parvasi

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One person died following a fire at a cell tower in Toronto’s downtown west-end area, according to first responders.

Auhorities were called to Liberty Street and Jefferson Avenue in Liberty village at around 6:10 am in relation to the fire, according to Toronto Fire Capt. Bill Papakonstantinou.

Firefighters, after arriving at the scene, quickly extinguished the fire that reportedly erupted at the base of the cell tower.

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Officials stated that while one person was found dead on the scene, no other injuries were reported or witnesses were found.

“It appears that the person was underneath the tower, whether they’re living there or temporarily situated there…There seems to be some kind of temporary enclosure in the area so it looks as if the person was there,” Toronto Fire reportedly stated to media outlets.

A collective investigation into the incident has been launched by the Ontario Fire Marshall, the coroner and the Toronto Fire Investigators.


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