Peel Police charge 2 men in Mississauga human trafficking investigation

by The Canadian Parvasi

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Peel Regional Police have charged two men in their early 20s in relation to an incident where a woman was allegedly trafficked at a hotel in Mississauga.

The suspects, identified as Michael Wilson, 21 and  Kejwuan Hawley-Milton, 24, were arrested after the police investigated a complaint wherein a woman was allegedly forced to take part in sex work in a hotel in the region on Monday, according to media reports.

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The accused were arrested the following day. Wilson was charged with exercising control as well as four counts of firearms offences and Hawley-Milton was charged also charged with four counts of firearms offences, according to the police.

Officers, through the investigation, concluded that someone was “exercising control” over the woman’s life in addition to making a profit out of it.


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